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Are You Addicted to Marijuana?

Are You Addicted to Marijuana?

Are You Addicted to Marijuana?

When it comes to marijuana, a lot of controversies abounds about how useful it for its medicinal properties when balanced against the psychoactive elements that make it addictive. Various cannabinoid (CBD) alternatives have come onto the market that provides the medicinal relief of cannabis without the psychoactive THC compound. 

Signs of Addiction 

Some adults and adolescents can use marijuana on occasion and not feel the need to use it every time it is offered. These people have more independent lives and are not dependent upon group popularity for status. For many heavy drug users, marijuana is a staple that helps them tolerate other drugs by enhancing the experience and calming them down. People who use marijuana chronically become burnt out and may experiment with harder drugs like meth, cocaine, and LSD to simply wake up from the fog. 

#1: Overuse 

The more you use marijuana, the more tolerance you will develop. This will lead to deeper withdrawal symptoms and dysfunction. Users typically become tolerant to the moody psychoactive THC component in marijuana after a few weeks of heavy use. The CBD component that was crossbred from the Afghanistan strain into the majority of popular cannabis strains can continue to induce relaxing effects despite heavy use. However, the CBD’s cause lethargy and calmness rather than a cerebral feeling of well-being. This is the ideal state for people to consider using harder drugs to regain a sense of well-being and to feel normal again. Overuse is the leading sign of addiction. 

#2: Decreased Focus on Constructive Activities 

Instead of working or spending time on school activities, a person addicted to marijuana will spend more time chilling out, listening to music, socializing with friends, and seeking drug money. The more that marijuana use envelopes your life, the less productive you will be in other meaningful ventures. 

#3: Apathy 

THC stores in the fat cells of the body and can take weeks to flush out of the system. Users usually carry a mild buzz long after they have stopped using the drug for this reason. They may talk slower and have that stoner personality. When someone is addicted to marijuana, they become apathetic and don’t really care about many things one way or the other. 

#4: Short-term Memory Problems 

People who use marijuana almost always experience short-term memory problems. This can make it difficult for them to study and remember details. For the user, he doesn’t want to remember these things because they are boring and trivial information. However, it would be easier to remember information with clarity when the brain is not bogged down with chemical imbalances caused by marijuana. 

#5: Anxiety 

Heavy users of marijuana will often develop anxiety that makes it hard for them to eat without feeling uncomfortable. This is one reason why people who use a lot of marijuana like junk food. It is usually processed and easier to eat despite anxiety. 

#6: You are Unable to Stop 

People who are truly addicted to marijuana will find themselves unable to pass up on a free hit from a joint. If the supply is dry, they will spend hours or days trying to figure out where they can get more. If they run out of money, they may steal or pawn off things that they own. 

Why is Marijuana More Addictive for Some People? 

It is proven that the adolescent brain is more significantly impacted by marijuana and more likely to fall into addictive behaviors. Adolescents may use marijuana to fill their recreational time because their lives have little opportunity for development in careers and relationships. It becomes a crutch and an escape to make use of idle time by enhancing the enjoyment of listening to music and other mundane activities. Adolescents who live in a structured household with stronger family relationships are better able to resist the pressures of peers because their families will ground them when they sense drug use. 

For adults, marijuana may lack the same social scene appeal that draws in younger users. Adults may have more responsibilities that fill their time. Most adults are too wise to be manipulated by pushers. Drug dealers often prey on naive youth that they are able to influence with bullying and peer pressure. They may offer protection from bullies and exciting new social opportunities that younger kids have never experienced.

If you would like more information on marijuana addiction, please visit The Recovery Village.

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