Finned tubes come variety types

Small changes in your home interiors for a big impact

Fluids can be cooled or heated with a finned tube, or waste heat can be recovered. Fins are used on the air side of the tube to increase its surface area and improve its thermal performance. finned tubes come in many variations on the market today. You can use the guide below to determine which one matches your needs.

The vapor-tight layer can have an impact on surface temperatures. The lower the surface temperature, the more moisture will be absorbed by the building’s fabric. It will also affect the air temperature inside the building. This is an important consideration when constructing a new building. A high-relative humidity can result in condensation. Low-relative moisture can also increase the risk of a fire.’

High fins on the helical sphere

Heat exchangers with high finned cylinders are repaired with these tubes, which are available in five variations:

Finned tubes with an L shape

A common type of finned tube is the ‘L’ fin. Fins and tubes make contact as often as possible. The ‘L’ fin tubes are supplied in ductile metals, such as aluminum and copper, which can withstand temperatures between 150°C and 170°C, as well as compression, and can be stretched during installation.

Tubes with LL fins

The base of LL finned tubes is covered by overlapping feet. Overlapping fins keep the tube from moving and protect it against corrosion.LL fins are excellent alternatives for expensive extruded fins in corrosive environments.

Tubes with ‘KL’ fins

Fins on ‘KL’ finned tubes are manufactured from strips of metal that have been machined into an L-shaped foot. Roll the fin into the tube and secure both ends with knurled ends.In addition to providing a tight bond that enhances heat transfer, the ‘KL’ finned tube can also withstand temperatures up to 250°C.

Tubes with embedded fins of type ‘G’

Embedded heat exchanger tubes are designed to withstand high temperatures and to work in applications requiring frequent cleaning of the fin side.Carbon steel fins are embedded in some ‘G’ embedded finned tubes for better conductivity and the ability to withstand temperatures up to 400°C.

Tubes with fins that are extruded

High temperature and corrosive atmospheres make extruded finned tubes ideal. In addition to heat pipes, dry air coolers, air-to-air heat exchangers (HVAC), air dehumidification, energy recovery, and offshore and remote applications, extruded tubes are often used.

Fins with HF welding

Hydrogen and power generation are some of the industrial applications for high frequency welded helical finned tubes. Heat exchanger tubes of this type have helical fins attached to the base by electric resistance welding. This provides a homogeneous, clean bond for efficient heat transfer and corrosion resistance.

The following are some common uses for HF welded fins:


Heaters that burn wood


Last Steps:


Pipes that heat water

Fins integrated into the body

gyrally finned tubes are excellent for improving heat transfer between fluids while minimizing their physical size and cost. Fins are integrated with tubes and roll out of the tube wall, reducing the thickness of the wall beneath the finned section.

Fins that run longitudinally

For longitudinal finned tubes, the fins are diametrically opposed and resistance-welded, which makes them extremely efficient. The base is formed from a U-channel, the tube is pressure-rolled, and the fins are always multiples of 4.

There are a variety of applications for longitudinal finned tubes, including heat exchangers, fire-rated heaters, gas coolers, and tank heaters. The materials are typically weldable or brazable and are supplied in u-bent or straight lengths.

USEL Tubular Division Contact Information

Would you like to learn more about finned tube heat exchangers? Our Tubular Division provides guidance and advice based on our knowledge and expertise.