According to the, heart disease is the leading cause of death in America accounting for 25% of all fatalities. Even as about 610,000 people die every year in America from heart disease, doctors say that for most people, cardiovascular disease is preventable by making simple lifestyle changes. While the root cause of heart disease differs from person to person, almost everyone can benefit from making changes to their diet and nutrition, stress management, fitness, and sleeping habits. Some practical tips:
Include More Whole Foods in Your Diet
Heart disease and diet are very closely related; it is critical to shift to foods that are of better quality and use spices that are less inflammatory and cooking medium that is healthier. Staying away from junk and processed foods that are high in chemicals, fats, sugar, and salt is very important. While many dieticians recommend Mediterranean-style diets, there are a lot of other equally good protein-rich diets that are plant-centered that can help you stay healthy. Among the things that are easy to implement are eating a handful of nuts daily, include oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week in your meals, and lots of colorful vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.
Forget About Low-Fat Diets
One of the most common methods suggested for fighting heart disease is adopting a low-fat diet, however, what is not usually appreciated that most people find low-fat meals extremely tasteless and are inclined to replace the fat with refined carbs and sugar that lead to further complications of insulin regulation. It is important to have a certain amount of healthy fats in your diets as it helps to regulate blood sugar and appetite. Even though saturated fats have long been maligned, they actually act to lower body inflammation. However, it is still important to include lots of fresh vegetables in the diet and avoid to the maximum possible, refined carbs. Regular chromatin ip testing procedures will tell you to keep tabs on your cardiovascular health.
Eat Your Meals Regularly
One of the most common features of an unhealthy lifestyle is irregular mealtimes. Make it a point to eat light but more often and try to have your meals at the same time every day. Start with a hearty breakfast and try to eat something nutritious every couple of hours and finish your meal schedule by early evening. Make your meals lighter after dark and avoid eating late-night. It is important not to overeat; try to fill your plate with more vegetables and foods rich in fiber. Using smaller plates has been known to help.
Quit Smoking Immediately
Studies have conclusively proven that there is a direct correlation between heart disease and smoking. When you smoke, the level of triglycerides in the blood rises, the platelet stickiness increases and causes blood vessels to thicken and become narrower; all these factors are considered risky for heart disease.
Taking care of your heart health becomes easier when you eat right, allow the body to recover by taking adequate amounts of rest and sleep as well as effectively manage your stress levels. It is very important not to smoke and limit your alcohol consumption. Taking up a regular exercise schedule can also help considerably.