7 Most Important Qualities to Look For in an Event Emcee

7 Most Important Qualities to Look For in an Event Emcee

Establishing and maintaining an organized and smooth flow during an event is crucial. Otherwise, the activity may fail to accomplish its goals or objectives.

One of the most important strategies in ensuring an orderly and engaging event program is to hire a highly experienced professional emcee.

Of course, it’s important to note that not all emcees are created the same way. There are always those who perform a more impressive job than others and are able to effectively introduce that essential “wow” factor to the program.

Suffice it to say, if you are putting together an event for your company, or are helping out at a family member’s wedding or special celebration, this exceptional emcee is exactly what you need.

Qualities That Set a Good Emcee Apart

It takes a perfect balance between an emcee’s natural skill and panache to take a program or event to the next level. But apart from this, there are other qualities that professional emcees must possess to ensure their clients’ full satisfaction.

So, what are they? We discuss seven of these crucial qualities below.

1. Good at research

Proper research can make a whole world of difference in the flow of the event. It can help seamlessly piece together the different segments of the program. Along with that, it can support all the identified goals of the event.

Find an emcee who places great value on doing the necessary thorough research for the program and works closely with the event planner or organizer. This is the perfect demonstration of his commitment to ensuring a flawless event.

2. Cool- or level-headed

Unexpected situations may arise in any kind of event. Members of the audience may become unruly, or technical difficulties could transpire.

A top-notch emcee stays cool and collected despite such issues and is able to take control for the sake of the clients, the audience, and the program.

3. Congenial

Great emcees are always the friendliest. They are pleasant to listen to and converse with. They can engage event-goers with great ease and completely lock in their attention.

So, when you are looking for an emcee to hire, evaluate how comfortable he makes you feel. You need to make sure that the audience or event attendees will find pleasure in listening to him at the event.

4. Communicates well

Impressive public speaking and listening skills, extensive knowledge of norms, sincerity, care, and consideration, and humor are the qualities of an excellent communicator.

An emcee needs to have them all to foster the most positive experience for the event. By possessing all these, he will be able to take cues from the audience’s behavior and adjust accordingly to keep everybody engaged and interested throughout the program.

5. Flexible and versatile

No matter how prepared an emcee is, adjustments need to be made along the way to maintain a good flow for the event.

A good emcee should be able to implement tweaks to his spiels in an undetectable way. He should also be able to tap into his wealth of experiences and other skills to refocus the attention of event-goers. Likewise, he must know how to draw the audience’s focus away mistakes and handle awkward moments to protect the program.

6. Strategically energetic

All event presenters should give off a high level of warm and positive energy. Audiences can feed off of that and feel more amped up to participate.

The best emcees in the business also know how to control this energy. By doing so, they can make everybody feel more at ease when necessary instead of feeling forced to become enthusiastic. They know when to hold back and also hen to slowly build up excitement. They manage their own energy to effectively sustain a good vibe for the event.

7. Highly recommended

There’s no better testament to an emcee’s professionalism than the rave reviews, five-star ratings, and praises he gets from previous clients and audiences. You simply cannot go wrong with an emcee who already has a track record for being an absolute joy to work with and pulling off an event in a thoroughly fun and hitch-free way.

Hire Only the Best Emcee

For important events, one of the most important objectives is to reduce the risks. If you hire a reputable emcee to present, you can do just that. So, make it a priority to book the proven top-quality services of an expert emcee. You will not regret it.


Hisham Wyne is an internationally recognised MC, broadcaster, presenter and moderator who helps the world’s best-known brands create memorable occasions. He regularly hosts conferences, panel sessions, gala dinners and award ceremonies for some of the world’s best brands. With 150+ events under his belt, Hisham is the professional speaker that brands and agencies turn to when wanting to interview, engage and entertain government VVIPs and Hollywood celebrities.