Delayed Monthly Period But Not Pregnant? Read to Know

Delayed Monthly Period But Not Pregnant? Read to Know

The delay in your monthly period is not merely about being pregnant. There are certain factors that highly affect the ovulation method that you might not be aware of. This certain incident may not be disregarded and needs an immediate solution.

So, if you’re getting your monthly period regularly and a sudden delay occurs, but know you couldn’t be pregnant; here are some things you might want to know.


If your job requires shifting of schedules, you are more likely to experience a delay in your monthly period. Even if you are not aware, your inconsistent work schedule can severely affect your menstrual cycle particularly your menstrual cycle pattern or duration. Want to know why? It is because shifting of schedules distracts your natural circadian rhythm.

 It is said that your circadian rhythm works best when you have a regular sleeping habit. According to a study from Epidemiology journal, women who work inconsistent shifts are more prone to have a truly short cycle less than 21 days or very long cycles 40 days or more than women who have fixed schedule.

Once you encounter a sudden delay in your period and you feel like it is because of your inconsistent work schedule, you don’t have to give up on your job. You only have to appoint a check-up with a credible and reliable doctor.


Sudden and too much fluctuate of weight is more likely to affect your menstrual cycle than that of gaining weight. It is because it disrupts your hormones that can prevent your ovulation process. So, if you are too eager to lose weight that much at a very short time, know that you have to stop.

In order to solve this kind of issue or problem, you have to slow down the process of your weight loss. Learn the right way and amount of working out for your hormones not to be surprised by the sudden changes in your body. You don’t have to hurry things in exchange for the other one to be at risk.


Too much exercise can be one of the extreme stressors of your body. Because too much exercise can cause your sudden loss of body fats that are needed in the ovulation process. You have to learn to execute a balanced exercise for you monthly cycle not to be at stake.

You can start by doing medium to an average amount of exercise not more than an hour per day. Also, invest in having your personal workout trainer and dietician so to monitor your health and fitness. You can also go for a check-up for you to know what appropriate workout routines are appropriate for you.


If you get yourself into too much stressed, then don’t be surprised if you happen to experience a delay in your menstrual cycle. Too much or excessive amount of stress prevents your body to ovulate in the midst of an unhealthy or dangerous environment.

So, if you want to get back your regular monthly cycle, switch on a healthy lifestyle and avoid things or people that may add to your stress. Enrol in some meditation or yoga classes, to reduce your stress level and for you to learn to relax and calm your mind and body.


The polycystic ovary syndrome or commonly known as PCOS is an unwanted condition in which women experience menstrual period delays due to the changes on the women’s hormone levels. According to studies, PCOS affects women during their childbearing years which can be encountered at the age of 15 up to 44-year-old.

Moreover, this condition also states that women’s ovaries produce much more male hormones than usual. And that case can prevent you from conceiving.


Surprisingly, medications can also affect your menstrual cycle. Antidepressants, prescription, and non-prescription drugs can disturb your cycle that may possibly result in the delay of your period.

According to Dr Minkin, many of the medications increase a pituitary hormone called prolactin, which can change other hormones in your body that control your cycle. Also, it is considered that a birth control pills, can contribute to delaying your monthly period.


Don’t be surprised if you encounter a delay in your menstrual cycles especially when you are smoking. Women who smoke are more likely to experience a moderate to the severe premenstrual syndrome or PMS than those who don’t, say the researchers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

It is also proven that smoking may change levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and other hormones tangled in the development of PMS. Moreover, based on the studies, your risk of having PMS increases the more you smoke and the younger you were when you start smoking.


According to a 2008 study, conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, women who have irregular sleep also have irregular periods. It is said that having a poor sleeping habit leads to a higher risk to end up with worse PMS.

Lack or irregularity of quality sleep not only results in having eyebags or tiredness, but it also affects your whole systems’ health. Because sleep has something to do with developing healthy hormones in the human body.


Menopause transition or most commonly known as perimenopause occurs several years before menopause. It is the stage where a woman’s ovaries begin to produce less estrogen. It typically starts at the 40 but can also probably start at the age of 30 or earlier.

According to Reader’s Digest, the following could be signs that you’re in perimenopause:

  • Clumsiness
  • Addiction to eye drops
  • Crying for no reason
  • Gaining weight only around your waist
  • Development of insomnia

Do you experience some of it? If yes, then you must find out why.


If you think that a sudden changing of diet is making you healthier, then you are wrong. Changing the way, and what you eat, may cause you an irregular period. One study shows that a vegetarian is more likely to experience clinical menstrual disturbances. So, if you are a vegetarian and is experiencing delay in your menstrual cycle, then you now know why.

If you are setting up on a new diet, you must see first a doctor or a dietician to see what’ really appropriate for you. All body types are different and what works for others may not work for you.

These are only some of the common reasons or causes in the delay of your menstrual cycle. But, if you know that you could possibly be pregnant, you might as well see your doctor before doing a band-aid solution concerning your monthly period.


Delayed Monthly Period But Not Pregnant? Read to Know author bio

Kath Ramirez is a journalism graduate who aims to turn her dreams into her passion. Her love for writing started when she was seven years old, reading illustrated books. Writing articles,

reading books, and dancing is her passion and she breathes into life with these. Kath is also engaged in exploring different places to stay for vacation or Holidays, a food addict but health conscious. She now works as a dedicated writer for Fitbiz Gym Equipment, a health and fitness equipment provider based in Australia.